Marcos Alonso reveals the two best football shirts in his collection

Marcos Alonso has been speaking to the Chelsea official website’s “first, last and always” feature, and he had some cracking answers.

Of course nobody is that interested in what his first phone was or what “the last thing you consume before bed (what?) is, but when it comes to football shirts… Alonso is the king.

Having a dad who played for Barcelona is always going to help, and through his old man Alonso managed to get his hands on some seriously impressive kits.

Asked what the “best old football shirt you have kept” is during the feature, the left back gave about the best answer one could:

“I have to say two. Maradona jersey from Barcelona and Maradona jersey from Napoli. They came via my dad and those are the two golden jerseys of my collection.”

Wow. Match worn Maradona shirts from Barcelona and Napoli? If Marcos wasn’t a multi millionaire already, he could make a pretty penny off those.

This feature hasn’t had many issues yet, but we don’t reckon anyone will ever beat that answer.