(Video): Full highlights of Chelsea’s up-and-down season so far

There is still no date set for a return of the Premier League, but given the moves around Europe to get competitions started again, it seems things are going to get moving soon.

It’s now been so long since we were playing you’d be forgiven for needing a refresher on how things were going when we left off in March.

Luckily Chelsea TV have condensed the season highlights all together into one video on their Youtube channel to get everyone back up to date.

If you’ve forgotten, it’s a pretty thrilling campaign so far, with some high highs and some low lows.

You can see the whole package in the video embedded here:

“If you don’t want to play, stay home and watch Bundesliga.” – How Jose Mourinho brushed aside the concerns of Pep Guardiola, Frank Lampard and other worried managers in a video call about the Premier League’s return. Read more here.