Roman Abramovich reportedly in Belarus to attend Ukraine – Russia peace talks

This has been a crazy couple of weeks for the world, but for Chelsea fans it’s been next level.

Russia has invaded Ukraine, Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich has handed control of the club over to the trustees to insulate it from possible sanctions – and now we find out that he’s part of the attempts to broker peace between the two sides.

The Jerusalem post has the sensational scoop that Roman is in Belarus right now to “assist with negotiations” over peace talks between the two countries.

It was apparently at the request of Ukranian president Volodymyr Zelensky, and we have no idea how much of a role Abramovich will play – or how long talks will last.

“The Ukrainians had been trying to find someone in Russia who could help in finding a peaceful resolution,” Rodnyansky explained. “They reached out for help and Roman is the person who decided to help and to mobilize support for a peaceful resolution,” explained film producer Alexander Rodnyansky.

It was then confirmed by Abramovich’s spokesperson that the oligarch had been “approached by Ukrainian officials.”

Abramovich’s links with Russian president Vladimir Putin are well known, and are the reason that he and Chelsea have become so tied in to a global conflict.