Well-sourced journalist claims Chelsea sale is still on, despite media panic

The entire process of the sale of Chelsea has been the story of various journalists and their sources.

Each consortium picked out a writer or two to be their exclusive mouthpiece, and the even government has its chosen outlets.

Today has been a prime example – simultaneous reports were deployed by several hacks who claimed that the sale of Chelsea was once again in doubt, with new questions about where the money from the sale would go.

It seems like the exact same scare tactics we saw just a few weeks ago in similar circumstances, and later this evening it’s been denied by Ben Jacobs, who has connections at the Department of Media Culture and Sport.

His thread on Twitter didn’t deny there were plenty of difficulties with the sale yet to be sorted, but he insisted things were still on track.

He’s been very good through this whole process –  let’s hope he’s right again.