“Changed his agent” – Fabrizio Romano reveals key details on Chelsea midfielder’s future

Mason Mount “changed his agent” over the last few months, according to Fabrizio Romano via house of champions YouTube channel. 

Fabrizio revealed that although conversations are ongoing, Mason’s father Tony Mount has been handed the responsibility by his son to negotiate a deal and this is the main reason why there hasn’t been much movement over the last few months. 

We don’t know the final details as none of us are involved in the negotiation, however sources with big credibility have stated that he wants a significant pay increase on his £90,000 a week contract, there have also been rumours that he does not want to sign a 6-7 year deal with the club. 

Mount’s future looks to be in some doubt with Todd Boehly splashing the cash on lavish forwards and may yet make Joao Felix’s transfer permanent. If Mount wants guarantees he will be a starter next season, looking at all the context, I find it impossible Potter or Boehly will be able to give him that.


  1. En Chelsea no hay lugar para Divas ni estrellitas, ya recibió una oferta justa, si eso no es suficiente para su ego pues que le vaya bien, que se quede el que tenga el deseo, si no, aquí solo estorbas Mount.

  2. Gotta echo Kike Blue: No room at Chelsea for divas!

    What does Mount imagine his leverage is? No one is arguing that he didn’t earn a pay raise with his past performances, but he’s not been able to sustain it. Top stars, the kind that command 300k/week premium, get paid big money because (unlike their peers) they are able deliver excellence week, after week, after week for years. Mount has just not shown that he’s that guy (yet). And if he imagines he’s worthy of a guaranteed starting spot and chooses to leave Chelsea over it, I think he’ll be in for a rude awakening at Liverpool or Utd, lol!

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