Mikel Arteta is keeping Graham Potter in a job

The Athletic’s roundup of the weekend’s action mentions Graham Potter. It says that the Chelsea boss is safe, despite picking up another poor result at the weekend.

It’s been a bad few months for him, and the fans are on the fence at best, but the board continue to back him.

One interesting to note in the article is that how their sources claim that “the success of Mikel Arteta at Arsenal with a young squad after a mixed start is also seen as reassuring.”

So the fact that Arteta managed to turn things round impressively after a dodgy start is clearly counting heavily in Potter’s favour, and there is some logic to that. Most of us had written Arteta off, and we are now eating humble pie as the Spaniard sits on top of the league.

His example shouldn’t mean that all coaches get years to implement their ideas, however.


  1. Truly ridiculous. The season is barely half way through and Arteta hasn’t won a thing yet. He is benefitting from all top teams being massively below par and hasn’t remotely proven he’s a top coach. It is also ridiculous to cherry pick one single example of a young unproven manager doing quite well after struggling at the start and disregarding the many other examples to the contrary. What about using Rodger, Moyes, Solskjaer and Lampard as examples why not to persist with managers who clearly aren’t top class managers. Very concerning that our owners are naive enough to think in such simplistic ways

  2. Hold on.

    “His example shouldn’t mean that all coaches get years to implement their ideas.”

    SuperFrank, we’re only about 2/3 of the way through his first year (singular), so how is it you’re already jumping to “years” (plural), lol?! I swear, the impatience around this football club is incredible. If you’ve ever baked a cake before, you have to leave it in the oven long enough for it to rise! It seems at times this lot would rather toss out the half-warmed batter and start all over again rather than have a little patience. Forget all about “having your cake and eating it too”—we don’t seem to have the patience to get through the baking, lol!

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