Chelsea’s talent production line rolls on with yet more inter

Jonathan Russell played his first game for Jamaica over the weekend, adding another one to the list of Chelsea produced international players who have debuted since 2013.

This also excludes players who came to Chelsea without being scholars, so people like Jamal Musiala (perhaps the best player to play at Cobham in the last few years) could also be added.

You can see the full list here, published by the ever excellent Chelsea Youth on Twitter:

Now of course some of these are more impressive than others – playing for England is a little more impressive than playing for Brunei, for example.

But regardless, that’s a ridiculously long list of names and places, and there are plenty more who could be added to the list in the next year for countries all over the world. As ever, huge credit should go to Neil Bath and the others who are working behind the scenes to make this all happen.