Date for Mason Mount medical set as “unmitigated disaster” for Chelsea heads into next chapter

Manchester United have a medical set for Mason Mount on Monday, according to Matt Law in the Telegraph today.

After the two clubs agreed a £55+5m fee on Monday the transfer saga took its next step towards conclusion, and the medical should be the final piece of the puzzle, with personal terms already agreed.

Interestingly this means the move cannot be completed after tonight’s FFP deadline. Chelsea have likely made enough sales up to this point to make that less of an issue however.

Law’s piece on the move this morning calls it an “embarrassment” from Chelsea, who have lost one of their star players to a rival simply because they couldn’t offer him an acceptable contract.

He adds that should the £5m add on bonuses be activated – which would be due to Mount’s on the field success – it would turn that from just an embarrassment into an “unmitigated disaster.”

1 Comment

  1. “Couldn’t” or “wouldn’t” offer him an “acceptable”contract? There IS an important difference, and I think it was the latter, not the former.

    And what is an “embarrassment” (as Law puts it) is not the sale of Mason Mount, it’s the journalists who gloss over what a complete shambles of a season he had last year. Everyone wants to act like he was worth every penny of what he was demanding from us when he was showing the complete opposite on the field! The very same journalists would have written scratching reviews about how we’d “caved” if we had met his demands whilst in the middle of a run of wretched form that begs the question, “does Mason Mount have the mentality of a superstar—to be the type of player who delivers top performances when the pressure is on and everyone is expecting it?” Based on the evidence, I don’t think anyone can answer an unequivocal “yes,” because, with the pressure on him to perform for his club and country in a “contract year,” he had his worst season as a professional at Chelsea. THAT is the “embarrassment.”

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