New Mason Mount revelations make Chelsea drop their asking price £10m

Mason Mount’s entourage have confirmed that the midfielder will not be signing a new contract at Chelsea, according to a video from Fabrizio Romano released tonight.

The midfielder has told the club he won’t sign a new deal under any circumstances, which explains the drop in their asking price for the midfielder from £70m to £60m.

It’s another bitter blow to those who were hoping there would eventually be a thawing in relations between the player and club which could lead to a new long term deal being signed.

It’s a moment that’s bound to cause a bit of a rift – some will use this rumour as evidence of his disloyalty, while others will point out that it’s impossible to judge his actions without knowing the context of what went on behind the scenes up to this point.

What is certainly clear now is that Mount won’t be at Chelsea beyond this summer, under any circumstances.


  1. So much much for “Mason Mount the Chelsea Golden Boy.” Even if the negotiations have been tough, with both sides sticking to their guns, to draw a line in the sand like this is a real rebuke to supporters whose affection for Mount has been, up to this point, lavish and borderline unconditional. With this move he has not only spit on that relationship but he has actively damaged his boyhood club—because he has now undermined our ability to get top dollar for his sale. This will likely cost us 5-10 million in the end. So much for loving the badge!

    It all just goes to show that it’s no longer merely about the money. Somewhere along the line his ego got bruised and this announcement is all about getting back at the club. Kind of the cherry on top of what has been an increasingly disappointing last six months for this young man. Hopefully he looks back and realizes that business is business and the true professionals don’t take tough negotiations personally, as he clearly has. It’s one thing to want away, but to sabotage the club to which you are still under contract (let alone the one that nurtured you as a footballer) is poor, poor form. Good riddance to you, Mason Mount, and don’t let the door hit you!

  2. Mal agradecido espero el puente retire y borre tu nombre para siempre y en cambio recibas silvatinas de desprecio. Por mi parte perdiste el respeto grandicimo traicionero.

  3. He should just get the fluff outta the club asap, we don’t need him and don’t give a fluff wherever he want to go. Good riddance to a crappy shit.

  4. How can he misbehave to a club that has brought you up since six years old, he’s lacked respect. His career future will not be good, shame on him. Go away but you’ll regret

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