Trevoh Chalobah’s personal physio bemoans “absolute mess” in sports science department at Chelsea

Ed Hodge is a personal physio who works with Trevoh Chalobah.

On Instagram, a Chelsea fan asked him about the defender’s injury, and was given the good news that the defender will be fit by the end of this week.

Hodge also added a comment bemoaning the current medical situation at Chelsea, complaining that the players aren’t being made to do the right things, hence the spate of injuries. “It’s an absolute mess at the moment bro,” he concluded.

Now we feel bad for this guy that his private conversation has been made public – and it won’t work out well for Trevoh either. We’re not too sure about his theory either – a lot of the problems are ankle and knee issues, seemingly unrelated to what he’s saying about players not being made to do the right stretching and warm downs.

You can see the conversation in the image embedded here: