Christopher Nkunku works out his knee as he prepares to be major Christmas present for Pochettino

The return of Christopher Nkunku is, thankfully, not the main obsession of Chelsea fans at the moment.

For a while, after our promising preseason turned into a nightmare start to the season proper, his injury looked like it was going to be the defining moment of the whole thing.

Luckily the last few weeks have seen us able to right the ship, and his return at some point this winter is a bonus rather than a necessity.

Footage the Frenchman posted today on his social media channels shows him working hard on his knee strength in the gym.

You can see him working out in the clip embedded here:

Given our creative problems have been solved for now, there is no need to rush Nkunku back at all, and we hope the medical staff are taking things very slow.

The rest of the league better watch out – it could be just a matter of weeks now.

Chelsea News