Former Chelsea manager admits it was ‘wrong’ to leave and club wanted him to stay

Some interesting revelations this afternoon from one former Chelsea manager come somewhat as a surprise.

Chelsea have had a mass turnover of new managers in recent years and as we know, it became the norm for a factory style conveyor belt of managers going through Stamford Bridge under the Roman Abramovich ownership, and again so far under the new ownership.

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At Chelsea you have to succeed, and sometimes that might not even be enough to keep your job during the Abramovich era at least.

Chelsea fans were always pretty split on Maurizio Sarri, who seemed to be like marmite with fans either loving or hating him – there wasn’t much in-between.

But Sarri has claimed today that Chelsea wanted to keep him and it was wrong for him to want to leave. He said he should have stayed in England and not go back to Italy.

Interesting comments that from Sarri.