Chelsea’s tough month will decide this season – cup games could set mood for league

Chelsea have had a rollercoaster season, of that there can be no doubt.

Our last campaign was such a grim slog that we couldn’t help getting excited in the summer. There were new faces, a lot of young talent, and a charismatic coach who seemed to get the players to buy in right away. The preseason saw impressive, open, attacking football, and we couldn’t wait to see more.

But since then, it’s been a nauseating series of swings from the fairly impressive to the utterly disastrous. Every good game has been followed by a bad one, every solid run by a wobbly one.

There has been the feeling of progress over the last couple of weeks – but even this run of results was preceded by some shockers.

Things get very serious now. We got through our test against Man City last Sunday, but things aren’t easing up. On Sunday we have a huge game against Liverpool (you can get your Carabao Cup Final Tickets here), and then on Wednesday a potentially explosive home FA Cup tie against Leeds.

March is nasty too – our bogey team Brentford, a wounded but still dangerous Newcastle, an away game at the Emirates against an Arsenal side likely to be pushing for the title. Our only respite is what should be an easy 3 points at home against a stricken Burnley team.

Our perspective on the season will be strong affected by these next 6 games. Are we going to be looking back on a trophy win, progress in the FA Cup and a rapid rise up the table with good showings? Or are we about to be chucked back into the depth of despair by this roller-coaster?

We wouldn’t want to predict it either way, on the evidence of the season so far.

Maybe we’re just falling into the traps we did this summer – but we can’t help but be a little excited. Our squad is fitter than ever, we seem to be sorting out chaotic pressing out a bit, and we’ve finally got some goalscorers in the team.

Both home and away, the support has remained very loyal and happy to encourage the team when they do well. Hopefully the raucous atmosphere in the Liverpool and Leeds games to come in the next 7 days will spark further inspiration both in the players and the supporters, and set us up for a strong finish to the season.