Pochettino “scheduled” to meet press as normal tomorrow – but live updating on his future shows how bad things are

You never want to be in a situation where going about your business as usual is bring reported on as news, but that’s just the precarious situation Mauricio Pochettino finds himself in.

The manager is under more pressure than he’s ever been at Chelsea after two defeats in a week, with 8 goals conceded and humiliation at Anfield followed by humiliation at home against Wolves yesterday.

Today, insiders like Simon Johnson are Tweeting out that the manager is “scheduled to do his pre match press conference as normal tomorrow.”

The very fact that that is being reported as news tells you everything you need to know about the situation that Pochettino is in now. The fact that he’s still in a job now means it’s likely that he he will get another game to turn things around, but if we start getting regular updates on whether he’s going to make it to his next presser or not, we’ll know things have got really bad.


  1. I don’t think it will make any difference changing the manager as this precise time. If the manager has lost the ‘changing room’ which is very common at Chelsea then the players have to stand up and be counted.

    If they are not playing for the manager or coaches then they should have some pride and play for the fans.

    The fans are not earning 100/200/300k per week however still pay for their ticket to watch these players. Whether mental issues are evident or not mental problems are experienced by the ordinary person in the street.

    So the players should show some pride, roll their sleeves up and fight for some pride for a club that i have been supporting for 60 years!!

  2. I could not agree more with the comments above, So many times I have said on this page, these players bear no resemblance to those of the recent past. Christ, it was only 2-3 years ago our club were world club champs. Now the Yanks come in dump virtually all players, and staff there, change to hoards of, for me, unknown players of their choice, that are unable to play together, together with a new coach, who was a waste of space, so changed again, and said get on with it. Can ANYONE say that this is a successful way to run a club ?????? Eventual profit is all these Yanks are after, our club pride is of no interest to them. We have always enjoyed the title of Pride of London, now we are just an embarrassment. We need another Roman type as owner, and a Jose, or Tuchel to bring back the great days.

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