Chelsea’s new hands-on ‘tactical statistician’ will be shouting instructions from dugout

News came out yesterday of a new hire being confirmed at Chelsea, and further interesting details have come out about the role that he will be doing at the club.

As reported by multiple sources, Chelsea have reached an agreement with Brentford for set-piece guru Bernardo Cueva to join the club next season. They are setting up a new set-piece department and identified Cueva to take a senior role in it.

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‌Cueva will now finish the season with Brentford before starting work with Chelsea in the summer.

But what exactly will he be doing at the club? Well, it sounds like he role will be very hands on and he will be in the dugout shouting instructions at games.

The report explains that Cueva’s official title at Brentford is ‘tactical statistician’, which includes responsibility for the set-pieces and he will often shout instructions to the players from the technical area. He was booked during Brentford’s victory at Stamford Bridge earlier this season.

Cueva was previously strategic analysis manager at Club Deportivo Guadalajara, known as Chivas, before he moved to the UK in September 2020.

‌Brentford have been one of the most effective and innovative teams at set-pieces for some time, while Aston Villa have a set-piece specialist and Nottingham Forest employed one at the end of last year.

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1 Comment

  1. “Shouting instructions from the dugout.” Is that a direct quote from a club source with knowledge of this plan, or is that Simon Phillips just making up the news? Since this descriptor is part of the headline and appears again (verbatim) in the story it implies it’s coming from a source, but it’s not attributed to ANYONE which makes me highly suspicious that it’s just Simon making it up to drive clicks (which is pretty shameless if you ask me). How about some journalistic? Either tell us where you’re getting this very specific claim that Cueva will be “shouting from the dugout” or stop (as I suspect you’re doing) trying to manipulate your readers’ sentiment with baseless assumptions.

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