Crunch talks – Chelsea boss plans major transfer talks with owners over strategy change

Chelsea manager Mauricio Pochettino says he has scheduled some crunch talks with the club hierarchy over the summer to speak about changing the transfer strategy at the club.

Chelsea have been spending a lot of money signing young talents since the new owners arrived, and there has even been suggestion of an U25 rule being in place meaning that they will not sign any player who is over the age of 25.

Sources: Manager names on Chelsea’s shortlist to replace Mauricio Pochettino revealed!

This drew frustrations from the Chelsea fanbase, pundits, former players, and the footballing world, saying that ignoring bringing in proven and quality experience was not a smart plan.

And now, Pochettino has asked for more experience, and The Daily Mirror, who provide those quotes, say he is due to sit down with the Chelsea board in the coming weeks to discuss the club’s summer transfer strategy amid suggestions the club are signing too many young players.

In the title they also say he will have crunch talks with Chelsea hierarchy over changing transfer policy.

He said: “We need to bring more young players, we need to bring in some experienced players. But that is all about talking.

“It’s about agreeing with the club, analysing and designing the strategy for the next season and to go and fight for big things. That is really important.

“It’s like we need to assess all the bodies. We need to assess why players were injured, the risk to suffer injuries in the future and the history of injuries within the club.

“For different reasons, I say this is an immature team because all the elements are not there to be more mature, to learn and evolve.

“But there are different circumstances that we are living [injuries] but I don’t want to talk about it because it’s like an excuse, excuse, excuse.

“No, it’s not an excuse. That is the reality. It’s a fact. That is part of the process. And of course, that this season is going to help us.”