“Done it today” – Frank Lampard sends message to Chelsea fans after FA Cup defeat

Chelsea legend Frank Lampard has sent a message to fans of the club after they got knocked out of the FA Cup last night.

The Blues were defeated 1-0 by Manchester City at Wembley and saw their chances of winning any silverware this season crushed.

Sources: Manager names on Chelsea’s shortlist to replace Mauricio Pochettino revealed!

As disappointing and frustrating as that was though, Chelsea’s players can largely be proud of the performance they put in against the Champions. City needed a very late goal to win and really, Chelsea were the side who actually deserved to win it the most based on how well they played.

City looked like the weaker team and Chelsea chased and pressed everything and were full of running. The Blues had the better chances to score and it was the fact that they wasted easy opportunities that saw them lose the game in the end.

Blues legend Lampard was watching the game and he was impressed with what he saw. Chelsea fans have often been quite critical of the manager, the players, and the owners this season with the team sat in 9th place in the league. But Lampard thinks the fans should be patient with this team and feels that something good is building here.

In words picked up by Chels HQ, Lampard said: “I think fans should show patience. Chelsea have shown good performances against top teams. They did it twice in the league against Manchester City, they’ve done it today, against Arsenal and against Aston Villa.”

And he’s not wrong there. But I think the impatience comes from results like losing 4-2 at home to Wolves very recently, and other such games they have witnessed this season. It’s easy for everyone to tell fans to be patient, but when they are paying huge amounts of money to go to games and using up so much of their time supporting the side, I think they are allowed to get a bit frustrated with some of the performances this season.


  1. The 4-2 loss to Wolves wasn’t “recently!” It was like THREE freakin months ago, lol! C’mon, Simon. Now you’re just insulting our intelligence!

    I’m sorry, but don’t throw that lame CYA nonsense at us as if your near-constant deluge of negativity is somehow warranted. Lampard is obviously right and now Simon and SuperFrank have some egg on their face. So be men and just own the fact that you quit being at all objective 18 months ago when you made up your mind that the American owner was “ruining” the club and decided to slant every bit of “Chelsea news” in order to support this narrative. Either that or have the guts to disagree with the Chelsea legend and make your case for why he’s the one who’s got it wrong! One or the other, but don’t disrespect us with some nonsense about a “recent” loss to Wolves. That’s just pathetic.

  2. Well said Wyatt Lampard is a media luvvie untouchable in many ways. Has people ‘working’ for him. Wealth creates that situation. His uncle ‘arry’ would have taught him well.
    It’s a club and we ain’t in it.

  3. Wind your neck in and get behind the team and support them through the tough times as well as the good times.
    They are going in the right direction now.

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