€90m of wingers “should be sold” if Chelsea want to “elevate” their squad

Simon Phillips’ column this morning has some pretty tough assessments of the squad, in the light of yesterday’s defeat.

As plenty of us have done at our most concerned, he pointed to the fact that this coming summer is supposed to be the fourth of four windows refreshing the squad – yet we still seem like a team full of holes.

He points to one area in particular which worries him: the wingers.

Perhaps it’s just the frustrations of yesterday’s result and performance, plus the accumulated annoyance of this season, but he’s already decided two players need to go.

“Raheem Sterling and Noni Madueke should be sold,” Phillips wrote.

“It night sound harsh to sell Madueke, but for me he seems a problem. The penalty incident, the partying incident, the smiling incident yesterday in the FA Cup, none of that bodes well. Yes, he is a young player, but he’s not a teen anymore, the lad is 22-years-old and should be showing much better maturity by now. Not a team player for me and if a decent offer comes in I’d not be hesitating in accepting. He’s certainly not a bad winger at all and has some real positives, but he’s just not good enough overall and I’d be looking to move him on.”

It’s damning, but hard to disagree with. Mykhailo Mudryk can count himself very lucky to not be included here too.

Two ineffective wide players too many

While Madueke’s indiscretions are frustrating and certainly potentially illustrate some immaturity, we’re more worried about his play on the pitch than we are about his childish behaviour when the ball isn’t rolling. After a year at the club we’ve seen precious little to convince us that he’s going to be Chelsea standard in the long run, and he’s certainly not a difference maker as it stands.

As for Sterling, we can also see the desire to move him on. But realistically, unless a guardian angel from Saudi Arabia comes down to save us, we’re going to have to live with the reality that he’s going nowhere.


  1. The manager should have kept start mudryk than being in the bench . And he is not functioning in the wing . He should play him at the centre behind striker . But the manager kept playing him in his weakest position . Keep starting mudryk and play him in his strong position not in the wing . Chelsea FC has already had a young good winger hutchinson.if the rumour about olmo his good partner of Enzo . Musiala good if his back to Chelsea FC .

    1. I absolutely agree that Sterling and Madueke need to go. The former is a terrible value for the wage he’s on and he apparently has zero leadership to offer as one of the few veterans in the side. So, sell him to Saudi ASAP. And, as Simon notes, Madueke does not appear to have his priorities straight. The kind of “me first” attitude he’s exhibited is potentially cancerous on a young team and, if Poch can’t get him straightened out post haste, he needs to go.

      But as for playing Mudryk in the middle… I couldn’t disagree more. First off, his touch is far too heavy to play in such a congested area of the field. Second, and more importantly, HE READS THE GAME REALLY POORLY! Mudryk has next to no football IQ! He contributed nothing when he came in against City not because he belongs in the middle, but because he hasn’t got a clue about how to move off the ball! His runs are poorly timed and he’s invariably checking to the ball when he should be running in behind the defence (or vice versa). It would be laughable if it wasn’t so sad. The kid has ungodly pace, but it’ll continue to go to waste until he becomes a student of the game and starts to play with intelligence (instead of like a chicken with its head cut off).

      1. Jackson is the No one person that must leave Chelsea if any thing near good must happen to Chelsea,

        Pochettino should also be shown the exit door, he doesn’t know what he is doing

        1. I totally agree with you, that Jackson is annoying to watch,,, Can’t figure out how he ended up in Chelsea,,, The coach should also go,,,, he was provided with endless spending and the best of players in PSG but couldnt do NOTHING there….

        2. I really appreciate your Frank truth,Jackson has damaged the team than good and for the coach he need more training from the likes of Ancelotti, gladiola

    2. How is the wing Mudryk’s weakest position? He has played the left wing all his career. You all (Mudryk fanatics) always have things to say to justify why he’s not playing well. Poch is the third manager he’s played under in Chelsea already, and despite him having his best performances so far under Poch, most of you will still say Poch is his problem. Mudryk is just not good enough. Chelsea clearly don’t have a reliable left winger.

    3. The manager at times doesn’t know his best 11 players I think I would go with fast players first then defensive players in the last 20 mins but it seems all to good and to many players on the team. Chelsea for me should invest in a team lower down in the English divisions and loan players out and welcome them to the English game then bring them back when their settled in

  2. For me my problem is Enzo he has never been rated more than 5 in anyay match he has played,very sad

    1. Certainly, your so right on Enzo, he isn’t what I thought,, always giving away balls, slowing attacks down, very sluggish and always missing a clear direct goal target… Can see him doing more than these in Cjhelsea

  3. Jackson is the No one person that must leave Chelsea if any thing near good must happen to Chelsea,

    Pochettino should also be shown the exit door, he doesn’t know what he is doing

  4. Modryk is Chelsea best winger, yet MP don’t want to play him. MODRYK CAN NOT GROW PROPERLY FROM THE BENCH.
    There are so many players who had been playing week in week out, yet they have not improved. One of these players are Enzo and Jackson, THEY ARE THE WORST PLAYERS IN CHELSEA BECAUSE THEY CONTRIBUTE NOTHING.
    Enzo is neither a DEFENSIVE MIDFIELDER nor an attacking midfielder, he is just useless.

    Gallagher is Chelsea best midfielder, selling him will be one of Chelsea grave mistakes

  5. Madueke, Sterling, Murdyk, Jackson not helping Chelsea and should be sold but foremost is Madueke.

    1. Even with his misses, Jackson STILL has shown promise. While there’s every reason to look for a more reliable finisher, it makes no sense to unload Jackson. He’s still got a ton of upside potential if he can start to convert more of his chances. Look at his stats and you’ll see he’s in elite company in terms chance creation and that’s not a trait that’s easy to come by. Selling him now would be a big mistake.

  6. What of the goal keeping department and the defense, no one is talking about them and the ones that need to be replaced. Chelsea is playing poorly.

  7. I agree with this young inflated egocentric players Jackson, Noni Madueke not being Chelsea std at all. They are out of their debt as is Potch. These guys must go. Let’s look at the back line. Chiliboy is only good for a good Sunday curry not to mention those to French center backs proper rubbish with Chalobah. Gusto is classy and Will only get better with good management guidance. I am not a fan of Gallagher but he is a.hard worker and that goes a long way for me in showing his love for the badge. Mudryk was a bad buy, all clubs have one of them in their team, but this is CFC so he should catch a cab out of of Cobham

  8. Poch leaving is Kinda bullshit, he game’s clear he just needs a striker (typical 9). Even with 15 injured he still out smarted Mancity.

    If we expect something out Mudryk he needs to sit down and read the game, he has a good pace but useless for now
    As for Madueke he should be shown an exit, he has good touch but discipline is much more important.
    And sterling he’s not showing any maturity status in a team of young guys, but with out Saudi helping he’s still here.
    As for Madueke

  9. About time somebody has a hard look at players not performing to Chelsea standard. To me, Madueke on the ball always looks quick down the line, and dangerous in 18 yard box. I ‘ll keep him. It’s Murdyke and Jackson that needs to go. With them I’ll parcel up Ezra in midfield, as well. If he does not play, the game flows better, fewer balls get lost, or are misdirected, and we have to defend our goal, whilst we were moving fwd rapidly a minute ago. So frustrating with him in the team. We have much better, sitting on the bench.

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