(Image): Thiago Silva’s wife drops Tweet which has 1022 replies in 5 minutes

Belle Silva has got involved after Chelsea were spanked 5-0 by Arsenal at the Emirates.

Her husband was left on the bench for tonight’s game, and she didn’t seem happy about it. She got in trouble earlier in the season for a Tweet after a defeat, but doesn’t seem to have learned her lesson.

This one was oblique enough that she won’t get her husband in hot water. But we all know what it means. It picked up more than 1000 replies in the first 5 minutes it was up.

You can see the Tweet in the image embedded here:

See nothing, say nothing hear nothing? We wish we’d taken her advice tonight instead of watching that utter embarrassment on the pitch. Thiago did come on in the second period, but the damage was done. We had to endure the humiliation of watching our team playing a back 5 while 5 goals down…

Where do we go from here?


  1. People who bought the Chelsea FC has not good . They ruin the club . How I wish someone bought the club with good passion and knowledge of football premier league and love for this team . Their vision won’t work . Revamp the director of recruitment . This club should competing every season fighting for the trophy and become champion . Those two central midfield which is expensive aren’t working plus the manager not good enough . Waste of time and money . Shame Roman left .

    1. You do realize that Roman Abramovich and the other Russian oligarchs stole billions from their people and have aided Vladimir Putin in subverting democracy and invading a sovereign nation (Ukraine)? So, let’s not romanticize his time at Chelsea at the expense of recognizing that the club is well to be rid of him.

      Today was a bad loss in which players like Palmer and Gusto were sorely missed. But one bad loss does not erase the clear progress we’ve seen (and which others—including Lampard, Sutton and Arteta—have noted). It’s easy to scapegoat the ownership because nobody believes an American can know anything about football, but, at the end of the day, that’s just lazy stereotyping.

      1. What evidence have you of Roman Abramovic stealing money, let me think, oh the main stream media! Enough said!
        Roman was a Dream owner and he proved it, his positive impact on the whole of the EPL is still resonating today.
        The establishment practically took away his club, which offered to give all the money to the Ukraine war victims, and what happened?? The money is still stuck with some vultures fighting over it!!
        “Improvements” really? And after spending 1 Billion! It’s perhaps an utter embarrassment

      2. stole billion from who…stop talking like a piece of shit………as for Ukrain they deserve what they get

        1. U are totally right bra dey deserve it n will suffer more cux u can’t bring ur brothers enemies closer to harm him so Putin s right

      3. It’s a lie , no stole anything from anybody. Before you start throwing accusations show proof

      4. Chelsea wouldn’t be in a situation like this where every team can win against it but the problem is the manager who doesn’t a have an experience to manage big teams and recruitment team who also hve no idea getting a winning manager

        1. You’re very correct,but you didn’t add below average players he who he gives preference. I’m still in utter shock,and trying to come to terms with the embarrassing defeat,why poch is still sitting pretty as coach… I really can’t wait to for the season to end,its been a nightmare.

      5. I don’t need to mention any player, but a good Chelsea follower will know that the present bunch of players are not the club standard. I don’t know the mission of the owner

        1. Mudryk headless chicken no football iq
          Badiashile waste of money sell him at the end of the season
          Chelsea players had no passion for the game poor passing loosing ball in the middle of the park. they played so crap defensively putting Goal keeper under pressure
          But the biggest A… Hole is
          Poch don’t know how to uttelize players but Ja CHELSEA STILL MY CLUB I support
          Up the Blues

          1. Badiashile Badiashile Badiashile, anytime I see donkey in our selection I get sick (in fact I have been bedridden from Tuesday night till now). POCHETINO is extremely too dumb to bench Chalobah and Sylva (a solid central defensive pair that has been clicking so well in the last few matches) to field a whatever Badiashile who doesn’t know how to defend, only knows how to pass back to his goalkeeper, all his passes forward is straight to his opponents (I don’t know whether it’s deliberate because he lifts up his eyes very well, takes a good look and gives it generously away). POCH AND HIS BADIASHILE MUST GO IMMEDIATELY!!!!!!

      6. Stop that western heresy about Roman, He own Chelsea for 20 years without qualms until Russia invaded Ukraine you now realised his money was stolen, that’s hypocritical.
        You knew all along that he stole the money but you corruptly and wicked enjoyed it. Roman curse is upon Chelsea, Let Chelsea FC explode, I don’t care anymore because of your stinking hypocrisy.

        1. I believe he is one of Trump supporter cause they believe anything,trump told them election was stolen and incite them to storm capitol hill.They went and do that now they are in prison get rotten while trump walking around mocking.Abromovich was the right man for Chelsea club and we enjoyed best moments when he was the owner.Its a pity these days even our freeedim of happiness is interfered by politicians for their personal interests.This club standards,level was up there actually even the signing of players matched the level.But today full of crap players the likes of badiashille,disasi,Jackson nut,caicedo,enzo,sterling,Sanchez,callagher and you name it.pls except thiago,palmer,Gusto Alfie and petrovic.Thank you Roman.

        2. You’re on point, Dennis. He’s obviously too obtuse to see things your way. Also,I plead with you,we’re together in this gloomy season… Our dear club remains the pride of London. A better season awaits us 2024/2025.

        1. Players like Nicolas Jackson shouldn’t be seen in Chelsea forward one bit, unless he is
          playing a wrong role. He has a very very poor finishing ability

      7. Do have evidence to back up your claim or what you heard from the media
        Back to Chelsea the British FA killed Chelsea for reasons best known to them

      8. You do also realise that results is the deciding factor for progress and so far the results haven’t been so good and it all started with this current management from top level to time wasting projects
        Such a shame

      9. God will punish u for that comment.. u will tell me if ur own government are Saint. Ur government r worst than the Russians.. every love n enjoyed Chelsea under roman, not dz imbecile

      10. Roman bought Chelsea over 20yrs ago and has nothing to do with what’s going on in Ukraine. Yes, he knows Putin doesn’t mean he’s part of his plans. Mike

      11. Roman Abramovich era stood for someone that not only understands but also breathe football. It is increasingly distasteful seeing that Abramovich still lives under the skin of some western bigots who thinks the Russia businesses are solely anti people. The more we embrace other people’s culture of governance in the name of democracy the better the world around. We should stop dictating to other how they should live using your colouration as the global yardstick. It doesn’t make sense.

        The French and West are being pushed out of Africa after hundred of years of generational stealing of their natural resources in the name of senseless demonstration of mental slavery.

        The global political is well understood by us, ditto, Ukraine vs Russia, Israel vs Palestinians

        The West are classical examples of neocolonialists and hypocritically demonstrated it across the world. So talk football on the face of it, Abramovich like the Arabs have contributed largely to the sustenance of the British economy through football investment and they have made the game a beauty while it lasted.

      12. Liar, hypocrisy and bigotry. Seek for forgiveness because you know nothing about what you dive into

      13. Did the war end after the UK government robbed Roman of what he rightfully bought?Chelsea fc had nothing to do with the war in Ukraine. With or without Roman,Russia was going to invade Ukraine.Millions of Chelsea fc fans all over the world were hurt by the reckless decision of the so called democratic UK. Shame. Chelsea is where it is today because of the UK government policy. But one thing is for sure ,Containment and control of other nations is causing a lot of problems in the world.

      14. Pls don’t be myopic. What evidence have you got to support your claims? Which court indicted Abramovich?. Let’s be well guided,and not propagate fallacies. Do well by pasting evidences to support your atrocious claims. The world is awaiting your prompt revert.

      15. Football and politics should not be joined together. I’m not pro-Russia but the Western nations have committed worst (and continue to indirectly do so) atrocities in Africa. We’ve got to be objective. Whether at the board level or on the pitch, the current team is spineless. The Roman Army was better.

      16. It’s very shameful how our once pride of London is becoming the shame of London during the time of Roman it has never been like this it’s seem the new owner does not have the interest of the club e bought it for only profits motive and not the love of the club

      17. What are you talking about, we have said it time without numbers, leave politics out of football, how does selling Chelsea have impact of stop the Ukraine war with Russian, and what happening in Gaza now, how many Israeli citizens have been sanction or collecting there belonging, dibble standards of western world is nothing write home about.

      18. That what you are saying is a total lie about Roman Abramovich & the other Russians billionaires about them stealing money & give to Putin to aid the war, it better you go shut your liad mouth & go away

      19. Fuck the Ukraine. They are just fighting a proxy war for all the globalist and war mongers to make money from them dying.. be over soon Putin will make a car park so Nato can piss off … and take the clown of Kiev with them ………… keep politics out of football ……

      20. Stop running with what the corrupt British politicians told you about Abramovich. Labelling a dog with a horrible name as to endorse the hanging, does not resonate with the critical independent thinkers like some of us, who are not puppets and zombies in the hands of the damned politicians.

      21. You stereo radio typing Abramovic and Putin as well what has dat got to do with Chelsea loss this guy invested in football not mess game called democracy.

      22. This is too harsh, any loving blue fan would not drag Roman name into gutters without any proof, his love and passion for the club means a lot to him more than anything else. The UK government in connection with English FA, political sabotage him out of jealousy, and that led the club down to it knees and they should have bow their heads in shame.

    2. Dis is so painful for us as fans l my self switched off the TV on goal 4 dis guy com and mess dings up it doesn’t matter how much money he has cz one thing for sure he doesn’t know football he only knows American football dats it firing Thomas with out any second thought selling our old gud players with out thinking twice bcz he thought his money can bring a change which is bullshit bringing some useless players now we’re a middle table team wat next bottom 5 dats where we going check coach first 11 selection no silver in it who’s going to push dose little kids in dere cz dey can’t do anything on dey own dey are just young and useless expensive for nothing no fuck dis

    3. Yes I agree fully, some of the Clowns chelsea bought are useless, 222 million for 2 Donkeys and don’t mention Jackson, no 2 disasi and no 5 badiashile and cucurella there were at least 7 players on that pitch last night that wouldn’t get on a Sunday league team I don’t know how they are there, then they want sell a few very good players Gallagher and Chaloban,, Give Thiago Silva another 2 year contract even at then 41 he will be much much better then the others.

  2. Chelsea allowed players that love Chelsea to leave while they brought players that love the money to come.

    1. Perfectly stated AND TRUE. Can’t stand idea of selling an ever developing academy player such as Gallagher who loves our club, his club. Puppets like Noni giggles and arguements with likes of thiago being left to leave on a 3 when he also would do anything for the shirt! Get rid of many players before even thinking of those 2…be as nuts as selling Palmer!!!

  3. This is very bad and most embarrassment for Chelsea all because our coach is not capable to handle Chelsea as a team.We can continue like that under this coach.your 2 best defenders you bench why?pourch is not a good coach


  5. Looking into the future already. This season is just meant for training and I’ve had enough already. Never give up,never give in. The future of these youngsters is bright. Up blues.

  6. Stop that western heresy about Roman, He own Chelsea for 20 years without qualms until Russia invaded Ukraine you now realised his money was stolen, that’s hypocritical.
    You knew all along that he stole the money but you corruptly and wicked enjoyed it. Roman curse is upon Chelsea, Let Chelsea FC explode, I don’t care anymore because of your stinking hypocrisy.

  7. Football administration in Chelsea fc, Roman abramovich got it right at Chelsea and will be missed forever, even the whole Premier league will missed his style of management, just look at the Chelsea team no reliable set of players, I can’t really blame the coach, what he has is what he will use, how can Chelsea fc have only one striker, who is actually not a striker, he scores, he doesn’t score he plays, no competition and he his also young as well, again end of the season some players will leave, Hope they don’t bring inexperienced kids, they should allow pochettino to buy what he needs, the club is spoiling people CV right now. So pained seeing all these kind of things.

  8. They got what they deserve , if you keep on with a ,,arrogant striker who can’t hit the net 1 yard out with nobody in front of him ,but act like he is the best there is (shamewith such a shifty attitude and cocky character, a no clue defender that will gtee 60% if his passing will for sure give the ball to opposition, he can’t defend to save his own life , and then a coach who persist on playing them ,not subbing them then yes he must go as well , I will rather go down with the younger guys, who will learn and improve ,man this team is shocking, we don’t deserve this , T Silva must be convinced to stay ,be captain and then sell have of the current squad ,maybe we will recover

  9. Y’all keep shouting Abarahimovic stole billions and he be supporting Vladimir….where were y’all with y’all self righteousness when the British empire invaded and colonized some other countries, or where was y’all voices when the American government invaded Afghanistan all in the name of tackling terrorism and not leaving there until they’ve milked the dry…. Y’all pls rest on Abrahimovic’s issue. He is just another business man that the British government wanted out of their country.

  10. For me I think pochettinoh has no idea on how to run Chelsea, he is a mediocre
    Enzo in the same lineup with caicedo It’s so sick
    Out Vs Everton it worked without him, upon being accomodated and playing Gallagher as a winger what happened.This man!!!
    I think it’s high he should resign not to wait to be sacked

  11. Oh, Chelsea is finally getting finished. By now Chelsea is not a real Chelsea we know, please owners of Chelsea rename the team with another name, but not Chelsea please, call your kids team as Chelselele losers. As their own new team new name. Because we beloved ever and forever fans. We have never seen this kind of embarrassment at the hand of this small London favorable Arsenal, they are not European trophies, they are only a FIFA team against us Chelsea FC Always, 5:0 is hard to accept it. This is shame.

  12. Liar, hypocrisy and bigotry. Seek for forgiveness because you know nothing about what you dive into

  13. I don’t think whether we would have the following players under The Roman empire; Enzo, caicedo, Jackson, Madueke, and all the back room Staff. We used to buy players from Big teams not from Brighton, Atlanta, Brentford.
    If Chelsea wants to win, they should use this lineup:
    Goal keeper, Gusto, chilwel, chalobah, Silva, chukwemeka, Gallagher, Palmer,
    Mudryk, Sterling, Nkunku

  14. We go nowhere! It’s downwards, truth be told! The ‘ragga’ owners, Chelsea hater Poch, all the Yahoo players, except Thiago, Palmer & Peteovic, the board (if there is) should vacate. They’ve RUINED Chelsea. Which player there today can cost £30m? What benefit do they bring to CFC? A team plays BACK PASSING for 90mins even if losing 5-0? Disgusting! There’s deep conspiracy against CFC.

  15. The new management adopted a policy of breeding kindergarten players . I am sure they must understand the outcome of playing such players against proven professionals. Any coach or player who wants to win and compete, like Tuchel and the players that left, cannot take such job, unless the ones desperate for job and money. So the management has a mission, while the coach and players are enjoying their money. The last thing the owners should do is to think of sacking a coach they brought to manage kindergarten players. If they want to compete to win PL and European cups, they need to analyze the teams that won the cups in the last 5 years. What types of players they parade and ask if any of them parade kindergarten players like Jackson who is not among the starting eleven in Senegal team during AFCON? I am not expecting anything spectacular from Chelsea until they turn around their strange policies. The earlier the fans lower their expectations the better for them as this trend of loss and draw will continue as long as the owners stick to their policies.

  16. Silva has been part of a defence that has conceded 57 so far , so all those saying he’s a Chelsea legend etc are in Dolly Day Dream World , Pochettino is out of his depth , even accounting for injuries he should have been able to play a system that works , technically inept . Boehly knows he’s made a big boo boo , appointed another Potter , if it wasn’t for Palmer’ fc goals Chelsea would be in the bottom 3

  17. This is a matter of time let’s believe in the project#WE ARE CHELSEA WE’LL GET THROUGH THIS

  18. Abramovich made Chelsea household name all over the world. New owners have no clue how to run this club.
    No midfield no striker, mediocre golee,
    Badishiel, Madueke, Cucurella , are total disaster!
    Uk politicians destroyed Roman Empire ,
    Barbarians are running it now!
    What a pity!

  19. Abramovich made Chelsea household name all over the world. But now:
    No midfield, no striker, mediocre golee,
    Badishiel, Madueke, Cucurella , are total disaster!
    Uk politicians destroyed Roman Empire ,
    Barbarians are running it now!
    What a pity!

  20. Finally Roman Empire is destroyed and it runs by barbarians now, who have no clue about this beautiful game .
    What a shame!

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