(Video): Pochettino finds something to compliment in his players who failed again

Mauricio Pochettino always tries to remain positive, even on days like today where he’s quite clearly gutted.

He didn’t blame his players for their mistakes and missed in his post match interview tonight. “We have to accept that’s football sometimes” he said, phlegmatically.

You can just tell he’s bursting to throw his hands up about another game thrown away by the players under his command.

We don’t know whether he went off at them in the changing room – we’d imagine he tries to keep a cool head there too. He must despair though – on days like today he did everything right, and had to watch the players he managers unable to put the ball in the net.

He did have to mention the penalty claim however, and who can blame him.. He was also happy with the way his players “competed.” We can sympathise with that – they tried their best. But we can’t take too much heart from them trying and failing.

You can see the coach speaking in the clip embedded here: