Champions League clubs could try to tempt “complete footballer” from Chelsea with “monstrous offers”

A piece from TuttoMercatoWeb published this morning has some worrying speculation about the future of Cole Palmer.

The Chelsea talisman has had a brilliant season and has instantly become our star player. “Palmer is a complete footballer, who lacks very little or nothing,” the article gushes.

But how can a player so good be happy in a team so bad (or just so average) as Chelsea in the last couple of years?

“[Mauricio] Pochettino and Chelsea adopted him, made him important, put him at the centre of the project, but keeping someone like that is difficult. It is not impossible that, after a season like this, monstrous offers could arrive for him” the article claims.

There certainly would be no shortage of interest in Palmer, but realistically who could turn his head now? A return to Man City isn’t happening. Real Madrid are too full of talent already? Bayern Munich? Juventus? Do any of them really have the financial power to twist our arm? Candidates are thin on the ground.

Cole Palmer embraces Pochettino after being subbed

A worry – but not for now

It’s certainly not time to panic just yet – or for a while in fact. Palmer is locked in to a freshly signed new contract and all the power is with Chelsea for now. The article is right – it’s “unthinkable” that a player this good isn’t going to be in the Champions League next season. But let’s get it straight – a year ago he wasn’t even getting league appearances.

He’s made great strides this season to become a regular, and next year he looks like he will have some European action to enjoy, even if it’s not going to be the Champions League.

If we’re still scratching around mid-table in a year’s time, we may start to get the first worries about his future. For now, we can focus on just enjoying having him as our key player.