(Image)- “gutted” – Club legend responds to Pochettino’s departure

It’s not even been 24 hours since Chelsea and Mauricio Pochettino parted ways, but the general consensus is it was the wrong decision with many left baffled.

Following an end of season review with Chelsea’s hierarchy it was announced on Tuesday evening the Argentine had parted ways with the club.

The decision hasn’t gone down well with the players, who were known to be admirers of Pochettino, with several taking to social media to make their feelings clear on the decision.


Club legend John Terry has taken to Instagram to share his thoughts on the decision and said he’s “gutted” to see Pochettino go.

Terry has previously said how he hugely admires the way the 52-year-old works and had called for stability at the club on a number of occasions.

The 43-year-old, who works at the club’s academy also added he hopes the Blues don’t sell any players before the new manager is appointed.

Whatever happens next, it’s hard to have any faith in the decision makers given how many decisions they have got wrong in a short space of time.

Tags Chelsea John Terry Mauricio Pochettino
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