Latest news suggests noise on favoured next Chelsea manager is premature talk

A Chelsea flag waves at Stamford Bridge.

Chelsea are clearly looking to bring in a new manager as soon as they can, but all the noise around the supposed favoured candidate seems a little bit premature at the moment.

Chelsea parted ways with Mauricio Pochettino earlier this week and they are now on the hunt for his replacement.

Sources: Two sources report Chelsea interest in manager name who hasn’t been reported yet! 

There’s been so many names thrown around out there by multiple outlets, but there is one name that keeps coming up, an extremely underwhelming name to say the least.

Multiple outlets have reported Chelsea’s interest in Ipswich Town manager Kieran McKenna withsome suggesting that he is even a favoured candidate now. The noise has been growing, but it may have been a little bit premature for now at least.

Whilst Sky Sports have confirmed Chelsea’s interest in McKenna, they also report that no club have made an approach to Ipswich to try and sign him.

This might just be a case of Chelsea trying to sort out terms on the manager side first and then approaching the club. However, you’d be led to believe that this would actually be rule breaking, because I think you have to ask the permission of the club first before you can agree terms with their manager. I might be wrong though?

Either way, all the noise going around about McKenna still seems a bit premature to me.

Maybe it will be some name we haven’t even heard yet

I can see this happening, a name from nowhere that nobody has reported yet. Maybe Chelsea already know who they want and they are working on that in silence and just letting the media put the rumours out there.

I’m sure this story still has a long way to play out yet and we will be hearing new names and more contrasting info in the coming hours and days maybe.