“So determined and motivated” – What is firing up Chelsea’s £30m summer arrival

There was quite a lot of surprise about the £30m signing of Kiernan Dewbury-Hall when it happened, but in the three weeks since we’ve not heard a lot from him, or about him.

So perhaps it was natural he was the choice for an extended interview on the club website about how he was settling in at Chelsea. The former Leicester man has had two gruelling weeks of preseason, and now heads off on the USA tour to prove he deserves a starting spot in our midfield for the season to come.

It’s certainly a step up from Leicester to Chelsea, and he raved about the quality of the staff and his colleagues:

“It’s been amazing so far. I have really enjoyed the first few weeks. I’ve absolutely loved every day coming in, excited to work with everyone. Everyone is at such a high level, and the lads have been so welcoming so I can’t thank them enough.

“I’ve really got on with them. It’s helped that I knew quite a lot of them before, but it’s just nice to meet them properly and talk to them. They’re all top, and the staff are fantastic, so I’ve been absolutely over the moon with the way it’s gone in these weeks.”

Kiernan Dewsbury-Hall training in preseason.

A step up to the next level

His step up means he will be competing with (theoretically) world class, £100m players like Moises Caicedo and Enzo Fernandez. KDH has to take advantage of the next couple of weeks where the squad isn’t yet complete to show what he can do:

“Everyone knows how big Chelsea is, the size of the club, but when you’re in there you realise how big and global it is,” he said.

“That’s a great feeling as a player because those are the teams you want to be playing for, and showcasing yourself at. That makes me so determined and motivated to get on the pitch and show everyone what I can do, and help the team achieve the goals we set out.”