Moises Caicedo spends his holiday in Ecuador

(Video): Moises Caicedo chooses to holiday in home country and gives time to fans

Chelsea midfielder Moises Caicedo has chosen to spend his holiday back in his home country Ecuador and spend some time with his fans there.

Caicedo shows how humble and down to earth he is by deciding to spend time in Ecuador for his holiday and chill on the local beaches there rather than go to some exotic resort somewhere else.

He also decided to give some time to many fans who were asking for photos and for a quick chat with the Chelsea and Ecuador star, once again just showing the kind natured human side of the player.

Caicedo spends time in Ecuador

The midfield star is well aware of his roots and appreciates the fans in his home country, as seen in the video above.

Got to take my hat off and applaud this, it truly is brilliant stuff.

I hope he comes back nice and refreshed ready for another big season ahead!


Tags Moises Caicedo
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