Andy Gray and Richard Keys talk about Chelsea's bomb squad.
Andy Gray and Richard Keys talk about Chelsea's bomb squad.

(Video): “No player should demand an explanation” vs. “You do not treat people like that

This time a week ago, Chelsea’s first teamsheet of the season was out, and the first controversy underway.

Raheem Sterling had been left out entirely, and he responded with a public statement through his “camp” claiming he was going to seek “clarity” on his future. It seems like he’s got that clarity, now that coach Enzo Maresca has made it clear the winger isn’t wanted.

On Beinsport today they debated the issue of whether Sterling was within his rights to go public with his complaints, with Andy Gray and Richard Keys completely divided.

It’s interesting to see where people come down on this issue – if it’s enough to split the duo of Keys and Gray, it must be a divisive one.

While former player Gray claimed “no player should demand an explanation”, Gray took the emotive line that “you do not treat people like that.”

What do you make of it?

You can see their debate in the clip embedded here:

Tags Raheem Sterling

1 Comment

  1. A player should always speak first with his performance on the pitch. Sterling hasn’t and so his “seeking clarity” comment rings awfully hollow —like a player who is trying to strong arm himself into more minutes by trying to embarrass the club rather than earn them the way everyone else has to. This is where his antics disrespect not only the club, but his teammates and they speak to a real lack of character.

    Of course, we saw him wage this sort of PR battle when he wanted away from Liverpool and we know he famously fell out with Pep when he didn’t get what he felt he deserved, so it’s not surprising to see him behaving this way. How a person behaves in moments of adversity tells you a lot about their character and this episode just confirms what most close observers of Sterling have long known. He’s what athletes call a “me” player—not the kind of guy you want to share a foxhole with because he’s more concerned about “getting his” than keeping his nose to the grindstone and sacrificing for the good of the team. Ship him off and good riddance!

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