“The mentality” – Pedro Neto explains why no Chelsea player can get any sleep right now

Pedro Neto playing for Chelsea.

Chelsea winger Pedro Neto has been explaining why no Chelsea player can get any sleep right now at the club, and the reason for no sleep is a positive one.

I am sure that many Chelsea fans can relate to a lack of sleep as well in recent seasons, where things have been super tough and very up and down. We’ve seen plenty of managers come and go, a brand new squad come in after gutting out the old one, which needed to happen. And a long transitional period under the new owners. Many Blues fans are believing now though that we are finally getting there. Time will tell if we are of course.

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Neto was one of the many new summer arrivals at the club, and his arrival was a bit of a shock one from nowhere, but one that was celebrated by Chelsea fans.

The competition at this club now, especially in the attacking midfield areas, is really quite scary. They have so much strength in depth in those areas now, and Neto is one of them.

Neto speaks on competition in the squad

Neto got his first Chelsea goal on Wednesday

“When you arrive at a big club, it’s a new adaptation,” Neto said as cited by The Evening Standard. “Maybe in Wolverhampton, I was going to play maybe 90 per cent of the games.

“Here, I have to work even more or maybe I’ll not play because the coach will rotate the players. It makes you play even better because you know that you have to work.

“With the amount of quality that we have here, no one can sleep. As the coach has said: ‘Everyone will not play every game’.

“We have to work hard and make for ourselves and continue to to do it every weekend, every training session, every game. It’s the mentality that I hope can take us to the top.”