“If I’m not doing that…” – Chelsea’s experienced star on how he’s going to go to the next level this season

Chelsea’s players were way off it last season in terms of fitness. That much was clear to anyone who saw us play football for any extended period.

Mauricio Pochettino is known as a physical preparation expert, and so far he and his team are getting great results from their intense preseason.

Of course the downside of that is the injuries we’re picking up. Some of those are just coincidence, but unfortunately some of it must be down to the intense new regime.

One person who seems to have really benefitted is Raheem Sterling, who looked electric in our game against West Ham last week. His comments as picked up by the Evening Standard reveal that he’s very pleased with how things are going with the preparation under Pochettino:

“I’m a player that needs to be driving, action after action,” said Sterling after the game at the London Stadium.

“If I’m not doing that I’m nowhere near my best. I have to turn, drive and be aggressive.”

Tonight’s game against Luton provides a perfect opportunity for him to do just that. He should have each and every opposition player on toast if he wants it, and if he plays like he did last week, our opposition are in trouble.

Chelsea News